People who get invited to weddings often make the mistake of thinking that wedding wishes should just be run-of-the-mill. They think that simple “congratulations” and “best wishes” can do the trick and can easily pass off as wedding sayings or wedding messages. Truth be told, that’s the silliest, most insincere way to show the bride and groom your gratitude for the invitation and your well wishes as they embark on their new life as a newly wed couple.
Think of it this way – if you got invited and you feel that the wedding gift you brought along isn’t enough, then your wedding messages/wedding sayings will certainly take the part of an additional wedding gift idea.
There is definitely a need for you to carefully craft your wedding wishes. Think of it as one of your significant wedding gift ideas – the better and more memorable your wedding wishes/wedding sayings are, the more it will be remembered not only by the couple but by their families, friends and guests during the wedding ceremony.
If you were invited to a golden wedding anniversary, for instance, you must have extraordinary and heartfelt wedding anniversary wishes handy. Your wish should reminisce on the couple’s years together, it must celebrate the good times and must showcase why you love that couple so dearly.
Talk about certain occasions which involve the couple and yourself – talk about how and why those occasions are special to you. Your wedding anniversary wishes should “champion” the love and the strength of that couple’s unity. Don’t be afraid to include yourself in the picture – that will definitely make your wedding message very personal and as a result, very honest and unforgettable. You may even include wedding sayings such as “In all of the wedding cake, hope is the sweetest of plums.” This will definitely be a thought to remember and something that the newly wed couple themselves would ponder on together.
I wish you to live in peace and in perfect union at least till your golden jubilee!
I wish you both to keep your youth and your golden heart, to sleep well and to keep in mind that you have friends!
I wish you to dance on your grandchildren wedding day!
I wish you that quarrel, misunderstanding and misfortune will never ever touch you. Have a long and happy life together!
I congratulate you on your wedding and wish you half of the most beautiful things in the world. The other half I’ll leave for me.
Compliment on your wedding! Let love never leaves your house and happiness stays with you forever!
Congratulations on your wedding! Let all your dreams come true and every minute be a feast!
I wish you eyes full of joy and long and interesting life together! Be happy!
Let good luck and understanding stay with you forever! Happy wedding day!
-:Wedding WISHES for You:-